
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Oregon (AFSCME Council 75)
One of Oregon’s largest public sector unions, representing 24,000 workers across the state. Members include public and private sector employees who provide a public service, including those who work for the State of Oregon or an Oregon city, county, or special district, doctors, nurses, treatment providers, county health clinics, the department of corrections, homelessness service providers, and many more.

The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde includes over 30 Tribes and bands from western Oregon, northern California, and southwest Washington. These include tribal bands from the Kalapuya, Molalla, Chasta, Umpqua, Rogue River, Chinook, and Tillamook. The Tribe is active throughout its ancestral homelands but located in western Oregon where it has a 11,500-acre reservation in Yamhill County. With approximately 5,400 enrolled tribal members, the Tribe is governed by a nine-member Tribal Council that is elected by the Tribe’s voting membership.

Urban League of Portland
Mission: To empower African-Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security and quality of life.

Clergy for a New Drug Policy
Mission: To mobilize clergy nationally on behalf of an agenda that ends the War on Drugs by allocating resources to education, treatment, and public safety.

National Association of Social Workers
Mission: To promote, develop, and protect the practice of social work and social workers. NASW also seeks to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through its work and advocacy. NASW is the largest and most recognized membership organization of professional social workers in the world. The NASW Oregon Chapter has 1,800 members.

IBEW Local 48
Mission: To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry; to cultivate feelings of friendship among those in the industry; to assist each other in sickness or distress; to secure adequate pay for work in order to achieve a higher standard of living, to seek security for individual members, to elevate the moral, intellectual, and social conditions of members and their families. IBEW Local 48 represents over 4,000 workers in a variety of electrical fields.

American College of Physicians
The American College of Physicians is a diverse community of internal medicine specialists and sub-specialists united by a commitment to excellence. With 159,000 members in countries across the globe, ACP is the largest medical-specialty society in the world.

Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc.
Mission: To nurture, sustain, and mobilize the African American faith community in collaboration with civic, corporate, and philanthropic leaders to address critical needs of human rights and social justice within local, national, and global communities.

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Mission: To create a just and equitable world where Asians and Pacific Islanders are fully engaged in the social, economic and political issues that affect them.

Escudo Latino
Mission: To integrate the Latinx community of Springfield into a unique community that helps and supports one other.

Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Mission: To unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and criminal justice reforms that will make communities safer by focusing law enforcement resources on the greatest threats to public safety, promoting alternatives to arrest and incarceration, addressing the root causes of crime, and working toward healing police-community relations.

Eugene Springfield NAACP
Mission: To create political, educational, social, economic equality for all people & end race-based discrimination. In Lane County, primary activities include implementation of education programs, public awareness events, community building, and coalition work towards cultural inclusion. Additionally, the Eugene Springfield NAACP provides support to other regional offices.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Mission: To bring together diverse communities of faith to learn, serve and advocate for justice, peace and the integrity of creation; to bring the faith community’s voice to the policy-making process to ensure a life of possibility for all Oregonians.

Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Mission: Working for the liberation of all beings through action in the public sphere, under a Buddhist banner.

Centro Latino Americano
Mission: To empower Latino families by providing opportunity and building bridges for a stronger community. Our vision is a thriving, connected community where all people are valued.

Partnership for Safety and Justice
Mission: Transforming our response to crime through innovative solutions that ensure accountability, equity, and healing.

ACLU National
Mission: To defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

ACLU Oregon
Mission: To defend and advance civil liberties and civil rights.

Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
Mission: To empower farmworkers to understand and take action against systematic exploitation and all of its effects. PCUN is Oregon’s farmworker union and the largest Latinx organization in the state.

Bridgeport United Church of Christ
Mission: An LGBTQ affirming, authentic community working for peace, justice and the integrity of creation. We stand against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and anti-semitism.

Oregon Cannabis Association
Mission: To help cultivators, processors, retailers, entrepreneurs, and allied businesses thrive through networking events, educational workshops, and political representation.

Ceasefire Oregon
Mission: To prevent gun violence advocating for reasonable, effective gun laws. To educate the public and legislators about gun violence, lobby on behalf of bills that will help make our communities safer, and work to prevent the passage of bills that would make it easier for dangerous people to obtain and carry firearms.

Latino Network
Mission: To positively transform the lives of Latino youth, families, and communities.

Community Alliance of Lane County
Mission: To educate and mobilize for peace, human dignity, and social, racial and economic justice.

Oregon Latino Health Coalition
Mission: To eliminate health disparities affecting Oregon Latinas and Latinos through leadership, collaboration and advocacy.

Human Rights Watch
Mission: To expose human rights abuses.

Alano Club of Portland
Mission: To provide a welcoming, compassionate and accessible recovery support environment for individuals and families recovering from alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive disorders.

Elevate Oregon
Mission: To provide an empowering, efficient, year-round mentoring program centered on raising graduation rates and post-secondary enrollment, while also striving to create “generational firsts”, offering students the tools they need to become future leaders in our region.

Farm Worker Ministry Northwest
Mission: To support local and national farm workers and their labor unions to achieve better farm worker pay and working conditions.

Freedom to Thrive
Mission: To create a world where safety means investment in people and planet; to end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems.

Oregon School Social Work Association
Mission: To promote and advance the school social work profession in Oregon.

Oregon State Council For Retired Citizens
Mission: To advocate for a good, quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities.

Healing Hurt People
Mission: To work around the clock with victims of shootings, stabbings and assaults to offer the tools they need to end the cycle of violence.

Drug Policy Action
Mission: To advance policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and to promote the sovereignty of individuals over their minds and bodies.

Next Up Oregon
Mission: To amplify the voice and leadership of diverse young people to achieve a more just and equitable Oregon.

Crime Victims' Rights Alliance
Mission: To educate future lawyers about issues related to crime victims advocacy; to acknowledge and further the rights of crime victims in all areas of law, and to encourage all law students and lawyers to advocate for the just treatment of these unwilling participants in the justice system.

Community Alliance of Tenants
Mission: To educate and empower tenants to demand safe, stable and affordable rental homes.

Gang Impacted Family Team
Mission: To coordinate services for individuals and their families in the effort to break the intergenerational ties that perpetuate gang involvement and violence in the community.

Basic Rights Oregon
Mission: To ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.

Jobs with Justice Portland
Mission: To take action for workers rights and economic justice, especially with those most marginalized by our economic system such as people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ people and women.

New Approach Oregon
Mission: To win more effective approaches to drugs in Oregon.

Live True Counseling
Mission: To help others navigate challenges authentically with presence, integrity, and intention.

Bridges to Change
Mission: To strengthen individuals and families affected by addictions, mental health, poverty and homelessness.

United Seniors of Oregon
Mission: To advocate for a good, quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities.

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Mission: To assure the building and strengthening of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas, and in Israel, in accordance with Jewish values.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Mission: To mobilize and empower young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future.

Unite Oregon
Mission: To work across Oregon to build a unified intercultural movement for justice.

Moms United
Mission: To end the violence, mass incarceration and overdose deaths that are a result of current punitive and discriminatory drug policies.

The Miracles Club
Mission: To provide a safe, clean and sober environment for individuals seeking a lifestyle free from alcohol and drugs.

White Bird Clinic
Mission: To enable people to gain control of their social, emotional and physical well-being through direct service, education and community.

Remnant Initiatives
Mission: To inspire and coach our community into action; to serve neighbors transitioning from incarceration into mainstream society in Yamhill Valley, Oregon.

Rural Oregon Expungement Project
Mission: To make expungement accessible to everyone.

Harm Reduction Coalition
Mission: To promote the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use.

The Rosewood Initiative
Mission: To build a safe, healthy and vibrant community where neighbors can thrive together.

Feed the People PDX
Mission: Offering compassionate, nonjudgmental care to our neighbors living outside – socks and snacks with no strings attached.

Changing Patterns
Mission: To assist citizens returning home from incarceration to become healthy, well-respected members of their families and productive members of our communities.

Insight Alliance
Mission: To develop and administer programs inside Oregon Correctional facilities and in the community that foster innate health realization; to offer a clear avenue to recovery and freedom where every person has the opportunity to lead a robust and healthy life.

Men Building Men
Mission: To bring together men from the community to mentor young students and instill a culture of accountability; to break a cycle of violence that has played out over generations.

Mission: SAfER’s mission is to promote human rights, respond when abuses of human dignity occur, and urge public institutions to address social justice concerns. SAfER is committed to immigrant rights and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and the right to shelter.

Deschutes Youth Climate Congress
Mission: To mobilize Central Oregon youth around climate activism.

Human Impact Partners
Mission: To conduct policy-focused and participatory research to evaluate the health impacts of policies across a range of issues including criminal justice, economic security, immigration, housing, land use, and transportation.